Here's lookin at you kid!

Looking Cool

The Young and Patient!

New York Militia

Horse Soldiers

General Cobalt

Calf Roping in Arizona!
North of Tuscon AZ

Pretty in Pink
100-400@100mm; f16@1/25sec, ISO 100, -1/3 Comp; 9AM. Fairfield, WA

Yellow Moon
1/60 sec, f8, ISO 800, Av, +1/3,24-105@105mm
Plaquemine Louisiana Pow-wow, 3PM

Waiting for Battle
f10, 1/640sec, 24-105@95mm, Av, ISO 320, German Ordinance'
South Louisiana

Cowboy in the Shadows
24-105@85mm, f7.1, 1/200sec, Av,
ISO 640, 7PM,
North of Tucson AZ

Guiter Man
f9, 1/4000 sec; 100-400@400;
Av; Ex Comp: -1/3; ISO: 1250
South Louisiana Reenactment

German Military Priest
105mm; f14@1/160sec;ISO320; Av;
-1-1/3 exposure comp; 2PM,
WWII Reenactment; South Louisiana...

Pirate Jost Van Dost
f11; 1/100 sec; 100-400@180mmAv; ISO 640; 3:15PM; South Louisiana

Banjo Soldier
f10@1/40 sec; 24-105@96mm; Av; ISO:1000; Metering: Partial
1PM; South Louisiana

Banjo's Agent
f10, 1/30 sec, 24-105@82mm, Av, ISO 1000 South Louisiana

Horse Soldier
f5, 1/320sec, 24-105@67mm, ISO 200
2PM, South Louisiana

Musician at rest!
New Orleans, Louisiana

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Copyright for these photos belongs solely to Kenneth A. Wilson. Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way without the expressed, written permission of the photographer.